Presenting to you, Mr Francis Vales! For once, here he has his Century 21 yellow jacket. Don't you look rather fetching Spock!! Yes, I'm rather cruel but can't you see the likeness? He he!!! 'Spock' has been with the agency for as long as anyone can remember. He is just simply one of the nicest guys you will ever come across. English isn't his forté but he has learnt "Ow are you? Fine?" but don't answer in English as he won't have a clue what you are saying!!Originally from Montauban, he now lives locally. Huge rugby fan and in fact he is also a teaches youngsters to play. (Rugby is huge in this area - we are near the famous Brive-la-Gaillarde). Francis searches and brings mandates for properties for sale from the lovely St Sozy, Cales, St Julien de Lampon to name just a few. Francis spends his weekends renovating his old farmhouse, fishing or looking for wild mushrooms. I'm telling you, if you spend any time in the car with him whilst in the country side, he keeps the window down with nose poking out and he can smell a cèpe a mile off!!

Serious rugby training Spock!
Francis - no where near a river!!
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