So as I reported last week - off we went to Toulouse for the 'Soirée fin d'année 2009'. Now you are going to see the real Century21 team from Souillac!!!
Please note, I have not asked permission from anyone to post photo's!! It's funny isn't it how you forget the camera after a few glasses of champagne?!

Us girls went to buy a few essentials for the evening, such as new lipstick etc! It was threatening to snow so we were a little worried for Laetitia who was at that moment on a course in Paris. She was due to fly down to Toulouse and be there around 9.30pm.... Lionel (the boss) had already set off with Nadine (manager from our sister office in Gourdon) and Francis was also 'en route'.
We had a fabulous meal. Followed by a 'spectacle' of Brazilian dancers and then a disco.
The menu
Ready Céline??
Go spock!! (Our Francis taking advantage of the dancers!!) What a mover!
Our Céline and Florence
Spock, myself and Céline
The very elegant Nadine from Gourdon office!
Ok, the evening is well underway!
Florence, Marie, me, Céline!
Nadine and Lionel. Manager from Gourdon and our boss!
How many glasses???!!
Florence, Céline and me.
Have I got these photo's out of order here as we still don't look as if the effects of the champagne have set in!
Another bottle of champagne Marie?
Marie and Florence!
Just eat it Marie! (With Lionel)
We stayed in a hotel, as is usual with Xmas parties and in particular, French parties - they finish late so we stayed nearby.
The morning after with Florence!
Marie, me, Florence and Céline.
Sadly, Laetitia didn' make it for the evening. All flights were cancelled because of the snow and she didn't arrive until the next morning!
I can tell you, I was a little tired the next day!